Rabu, 03 Juni 2009

finite verb

A finite verb is a verb that is inflected for person and for tense according to the rules and categories of the languages in which it occurs. Finite verbs can form independent clauses, which can stand by their own as complete sentences.

The finite forms of a verb are the forms where the verb shows tense, person or singular plural. Non-finite verb forms have no person, tense or number.

I go, she goes, he went - These verb forms are finite.

To go, going, gone - These verb forms are non-finite.

In most Indo-European languages, every grammatically complete sentence or clause must contain a finite verb; sentence fragments not containing finite verbs are described as phrases or minor sentences. In Latin and some Romance languages, however, there are a few words that can be used to form sentences without verbs, such as Latin ecce, Portuguese eis, French voici and voilĂ , and Italian ecco, all of these translatable as here ... is or here ... are. Some interjections can play the same role. Even in English, a sentence like Thanks for your help! has an interjection where it could have a subject and a finite verb form (compare I appreciate your help!).

In English, as in most related languages, only verbs in certain moods are finite. These include:
the indicative mood (expressing a state of affairs); e.g., "The bulldozer demolished the restaurant," "The leaves were yellow and stiff."
the imperative mood (giving a command).
the subjunctive mood (expressing something that might or might not be the state of affairs, depending on some other part of the sentence).

Verb forms that are not finite include:
the infinitive
participles (e.g., "The broken window...", "The wheezing gentleman...")
gerunds and gerundives

Gratitude, thankfulness, or appreciation

Gratitude, thankfulness, or appreciation

Gratitude, thankfulness, or appreciation is a positive emotion or attitude in acknowledgment of a benefit that one has received or will receive. The experience of gratitude has historically been a focus of several world religions, and has been considered extensively by moral philosophers such as Adam Smith.The systematic study of gratitude within psychology only began around the year 2000, possibly because psychology has traditionally been focused more on understanding distress rather than understanding positive emotions. However, with the advent of the positive psychology movement, gratitude has become a mainstream focus of psychological research. [4] The study of gratitude within psychology has focused on the understanding of the short term experience of the emotion of gratitude (state gratitude), individual differences in how frequently people feel gratitude (trait gratitude), and the relationship between these two aspects.[5][6]

finite verb

finite verb

A finite verb is a verb that is inflected for person and for tense according to the rules and categories of the languages in which it occurs. Finite verbs can form independent clauses, which can stand by their own as complete sentences.

The finite forms of a verb are the forms where the verb shows tense, person or singular plural. Non-finite verb forms have no person, tense or number.

I go, she goes, he went - These verb forms are finite.

To go, going, gone - These verb forms are non-finite.

In most Indo-European languages, every grammatically complete sentence or clause must contain a finite verb; sentence fragments not containing finite verbs are described as phrases or minor sentences. In Latin and some Romance languages, however, there are a few words that can be used to form sentences without verbs, such as Latin ecce, Portuguese eis, French voici and voilĂ , and Italian ecco, all of these translatable as here ... is or here ... are. Some interjections can play the same role. Even in English, a sentence like Thanks for your help! has an interjection where it could have a subject and a finite verb form (compare I appreciate your help!).

In English, as in most related languages, only verbs in certain moods are finite. These include:
the indicative mood (expressing a state of affairs); e.g., "The bulldozer demolished the restaurant," "The leaves were yellow and stiff."
the imperative mood (giving a command).
the subjunctive mood (expressing something that might or might not be the state of affairs, depending on some other part of the sentence).

Verb forms that are not finite include:
the infinitive
participles (e.g., "The broken window...", "The wheezing gentleman...")
gerunds and gerundives

Selasa, 02 Juni 2009

George Washington

George Washington (22 Februari 1732 - 14 Desember1799) adalah Presiden Amerika Serikat (1789–1797) yang pertama. Pada usia 11 tahun ayahnya meninggal dunia. George Washington mula mula bekerja sebagai mantri ukur, ia lalu masuk tentara pada usia 21 tahun, dan diangkat menjadi Letnan Kolonel saat mengikuti wajib militer oleh Gubernur negara bagian Virginia. Menikah tahun 1759 dengan Martha Dandridge Custis Washington, George Washington mengurus perkebunannya yang luas di Virginia dan menjadi anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Virginia, hingga Revolusi Amerika pecah. George Washington merupakan anggota perkumpulan rahasia Freemasonry.

Ketika berumur 33 tahun, ia memilih untuk memihak rakyat negara bagian Virginia yang memberontak melawan orang-orang Inggris yang mengeluarkan undang - undang yang tidak adil menurut perdapat rakyat Virginia. Ia pun bertugas memimpin tentara Virginia. Pada tahun 1775 ia diangkat menjadi Panglima Tertinggi oleh Kongres Kontinental, yaitu Kongres ke-13 daerah jajahan Kerajaan Inggris.

Pada tahun 1776 Revolusi Kemerdekaan Amerika pecah dan Kongres Kontinental mengeluarkan Deklarasi Kemerdekaan dan memisahkan diri dari Kerajaan Inggris. Kepemimpinan George Washington berkontribusi banyak dalam keberhasilan daerah-daerah jajahan di Amerika memperjuangkan kemerdekaannya. Pada tahun 1783 Inggris mengakui kemerdekaan Amerika Serikat, George Washington keluar dari tentara. Empat tahun kemudian pada 1787 ia menjadi Ketua Konvensi Konstitusional.

Pada tahun 1789 setelah Konstitusi disahkan, ia dipilih dengan suara bulat menjadi Presiden Amerika yang pertama. Ia menjalankan dua masa jabatan dari tahun 1789 hingga tahun 1797, didampingi oleh John Adams sebagai wakil presiden. Dalam pidato perpisahannya pada tahun 1797, ia menyerukan kepada rakyat Amerika Serikat agar meninggalkan rasa kepartaian dan rasa kedaerahan yang berlebih-lebihan.

Pada tahun 1799, George Washington meninggal dunia dalam usia 67 tahun di Mount Vernon, setelah tiga tahun meletakkan jabatannya sebagai presiden. Ia tidak memiliki keturunan, hanya seorang anak angkat.


Nama-Nama Presiden Amerika Serikat

George Washington
1789– 1797  
John Adams
1797– 1801  
Thomas Jefferson
1801– 1809  
James Madison
1809– 1817
James Monroe
1817– 1825  
John Quincy Adams
1825– 1829  
Andrew Jackson
1829– 1837  
Martin Van Buren
1837– 1841
William Henry Harrison
John Tyler
1841– 1845  
James K. Polk
1845– 1849  
Zachary Taylor
1849– 1850
Millard Fillmore
1850– 1853  
Franklin Pierce
1853– 1857  
James Buchanan
1857– 1861  
Abraham Lincoln
1861– 1865
Andrew Johnson
1865– 1869  
Ulysses S. Grant
1869– 1877  
Rutherford B. Hayes
1877– 1881  
James A. Garfield
Chester A. Arthur
1881– 1885  
Grover Cleveland
1885– 1889  
Benjamin Harrison
1889– 1893  
Grover Cleveland
1893– 1897
William McKinley
1897– 1901  
Theodore Roosevelt
1901– 1909  
William Howard Taft
1909– 1913  
Woodrow Wilson
1913– 1921
Warren G. Harding
1921– 1923  
Calvin Coolidge
1923– 1929  
Herbert Hoover
1929– 1933  
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
1933– 1945
Harry S. Truman
1945– 1953  
Dwight D. Eisenhower
1953– 1961  
John F. Kennedy
1961– 1963  
Lyndon B. Johnson
1963– 1969
Richard Nixon
1969– 1974  
Gerald R. Ford
1974– 1977  
Jimmy Carter
1977– 1981  
Ronald Reagan
1981– 1989
George H. W. Bush
1989– 1993  
Bill Clinton
1993– 2001  
George W. Bush


44.Barack Obama


Senin, 01 Juni 2009

Modal in the past form

Modal auxiliary verbs give more information about the function of the main verb that follows it. Although having a great variety of communicative functions, these functions can all be related to a scale ranging from possibility (can) to necessity (must). Within this scale there are two functional divisions: one concerned with possibility and necessity in terms of freedom to act (including ability, permission and duty), and the other (shall not included) concerns itself with the theoretical possibility of propositions being true or not true, including likelihood and certainty: must = absolute (often moral) obligation, order, requirement, necessity; can/could = physical or mental ability; may/might = permission, option, choice; will = intention in 1st person, volition in 2nd and 3rd persons; and shall/should = in 1st person objective though not moral obligation, no choice, as in: One day I shall die: we all shall die one day; in 2nd and third persons shall implies an incumbent obligation, destiny (It shall come to pass) or a command, decree, necessity imposed by the speaker, as in: A meeting shall take place on the last Friday of every month or a promise, namely that the speaker is stating his obligation to another party that an action or event take place, as in: You shall go to the ball, Cinderella. However, if a speaker states: I will let you go to the ball, Cinderella, in stating his intention, he is, in this instance, also making a promise. 

Simple Present Tense

Use the Simple Present to express the idea that an action is repeated or usual. The action can be a habit, a hobby, a daily event, a scheduled event or something that often happens. It can also be something a person often forgets or usually does not do.

I play tennis.
She does not play tennis.
Does he play tennis? 
The train leaves every morning at 8 AM.
The train does not leave at 9 AM.
When does the train usually leave? 
She always forgets her purse.
He never forgets his wallet.

Every twelve months, the Earth circles the Sun.Does the Sun circle the Earth?